Progressive voters have been pleased with the leftward trend of the party this cycle. In 2016, Bernie really shifted the conversation with his massive grassroots funding and campaign. He also changed how we should expect our candidates to approach funding, and what our candidates should support. PACs and large dollar donations may cut it if we’re in favor of the same-old-same-old, but if we want a candidate supported by the people, then the PEOPLE need to fund that campaign.
And, while the leftward trend has been a breath of fresh air to those of us concerned about the slow, decrepit crawl to the right, there is one candidate who wants to prompt the current crop of candidates even further in that direction. And he announced his exploratory committee on Twitter this morning much to my surprise and delight.
I talked about it on Liberal Minded Ladies of Substance, but it really needs its own article space.
Who is this hero of the left you may ask?